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Gamer Eye: Background, Symptoms and Prevention

Gamer Eye: Hintergrund, Symptome und Prävention - Just Legends

Eye health should be a priority for gamers. Here you will find out the basics about the gamer eye and what you can do to keep your eyes healthy while gaming.

Table of contents

1. What does the term “Gamer Eye” mean?

2. Symptoms of Gamer Eye

3. Can gaming improve your eyesight?

4. This is how you protect your eyes while gaming

5. What are the benefits of blue light filters?

6. Must-Knows

7. Sources

1. What is a Gamer Eye?

The term “gamer eye” refers to eyes that are stressed due to prolonged gaming. A main reason for the development of Gamer Eye is that the blinking frequency decreases during long periods of screen activity. With every single blink of an eye, the tear film on the eyes is renewed. The less we blink, the drier our eyes become.

The tear fluid protects the eye from dirt, foreign bodies and dryness and supplies the cornea of ​​the eye with oxygen and nutrients.

2. Symptoms of Gamer Eye

By the way, the Gamer Eye doesn't just affect gamers. People who regularly work long hours at the computer refer to it as Office Eye, and doctors speak of Sicca Syndrome. The possible causes of this syndrome are varied. Long screen time is one of them.

  • dry, burning and/or red eyes
  • itchy or painful eyes
  • watery or sticky eyes
  • the feeling of having a foreign body in the eye
  • increased sensitivity to light
  • blurred vision

In connection with these purely physical gamer eye symptoms, headaches, problems concentrating or difficulty grasping what is happening on the screen sometimes occur.

3. Can gaming improve your eyesight?

In a study, researchers at the University of Rochester found that gamers who played 50 hours of fast games over a period of 9 weeks were more sensitive after nine weeks compared to a control group who played “The Sims” to the same extent had eyes. Sensitive in a positive sense: They were able to recognize contrasts 58% better than the control group. The quick games challenged the eyes and trained perception. The study participants had healthy eyes.

4. How to protect your eyes when gaming - 8 tips against the gamer eye

If you want to enjoy gaming for as long as possible, it makes sense to pay attention to your eye health. This also includes a few measures against the gamer eye.

#1 Turn on the lights

The same applies here as with good office planning. Make sure that the contrast between the brightness in the room and the monitor is not too high. Ideally, you should sit to the side of the window so that daylight falls on your monitor. If the sun hits your window directly, consider adding curtains or shutters that block the sunlight. This way you avoid reflections, shadows and glare that cause your eyes to tire more quickly.

If you play in the dark, protect your eyes by ensuring moderate and evenly distributed lighting in the room. A few floor or table lamps are ideal. A desk lamp can also be useful as long as it doesn't blind you.

#2 Make the monitor brighter

When it comes to monitors, the happy medium counts. If the screen is too dark, your eyes will have to strain too much. Monitors that are too bright emit more blue light and stress your eyes for no reason. Of course it also depends on which game you are playing. Try to adjust the contrast and brightness individually so that you don't have to use the maximum brightness of your gaming monitor.

#3 Invest in a good monitor

Aside from the requirements you need for your favorite games, you can also consider eye-friendliness when choosing your monitor. It goes without saying that a good resolution makes sense.

Some models also have blue light filters and are particularly flicker-free. No matter which model you choose: your screen should be approx. 50-70 cm away from your eyes. This is easy on the eyes and helps you sit correctly while gaming .

#4 Blink

Blinking is a natural instinct that prevents the eyes from drying out. While people blink around 15-25 times per minute in everyday life, this number is drastically reduced to 1-2 times per minute when gaming (or concentrating on work). So whenever you think about it, blink consciously. This relaxes and moisturizes your eyes and protects them from drying out, high light intensity and external influences.

#5 Roll your eyes

Especially when playing online games in a group, there is often enough reason to roll your eyes anyway. Do that too! In this way, you support the distribution of tears and thus actively help keep your eyes healthy while gaming.

#6 Look out the window...

...and at least 6 meters wide. It's best not just in the dark, but rather on a specific object. Even if the opposite wall of the house isn't incredibly exciting: your eyes will thank you.

#7 Listen to your body

Do your eyes become dry or feel irritated when you play? Do you get a headache or get tired? Then it's time to take a short break.

For example, walk around the block and look specifically at various objects near and far. This trains the eyes and the movement ensures better oxygen supply to the brain. Muscles, tendons and ligaments also get a short break.

#8 Moisturizing eye drops? Talk to an ophthalmologist

If all else fails, lubricating eye drops could help. It doesn't always have to be chemical. There are also over-the-counter products based on herbal ingredients in the natural cosmetics sector. Before you decide on eye drops, we always recommend consulting an ophthalmologist.

5. What are the benefits of blue light filters?

Many monitors have built-in blue light filters. Alternatively, there are films for the monitor or computer gaming glasses. However, it is unclear what this actually does for eye health when gaming. Scientists currently suspect that blue light when playing computer games can accelerate the aging process of the eye. Since the topic has only been researched for a few years, there are no representative long-term scientific studies on it yet.

However, ophthalmologists point out that blue light from intense solar radiation accelerates the aging process of the eye. It is also clear that the gamer eye can accelerate degenerative processes in the eye. That's why it makes sense to pay attention to your eye health when gaming.

Blue light filters are doubly worthwhile if you game in the evening. You probably know that blue light inhibits melatonin production and makes you sleep worse. So not playing in the evenings is not an option? We think so too. That's why we have 7 tips here to help you sleep well even after gaming.

Doesn't anything help? Then take your sleep game to the next level with Sleep&Recovery : Sleep & Recovery is based on the simple formula: 5g powder + 150 ml water = good night. Turn off the computer, mix, drink, brush your teeth and go to bed. Falling asleep has never been so easy. With the patented raw material AffronEye® to support eye regeneration.

6. Must-Knows

  • Gamer Eye can have serious health consequences, but it can be easily prevented with a few small measures.
  • The main reason for stressed eyes is the reduced blink frequency and resulting dry eyes.
  • A good monitor, the right lighting, regular eye movements and short breaks protect the eyes.

7. Sources (as of May 2021) (as of May 2021)

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