
Hydration Drink Ice Tea Peach

Sale price€34,99
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40 Portionen: Nur €0,87 pro Drink

Intense fruit flavour
Caffeine-free refreshment
Zero sugar & hardly any calories
17 Vitamins & Nootropics

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Top Bewertungen

mit Ø 4,7 Sternen

100% taste, 0% bullshit.

Hydration Drinks

Refreshing powder-based soft drinks to be mixed with water – for consumption several times a day. Without caffeine, artificial flavors and sugar, but with performance-enhancing ingredients. Prepared in 30 seconds. Delicious, simple & healthy.

No caffeine

Who needs caffeine when you can have flavor? Quench your thirst as often as you want and no matter what time of day with our caffeine-free hydration drinks.

Zero sugar

We do not use refined sugar in our hydration drinks, as excessive sugar consumption can lead to increased calorie intake and health problems such as blood sugar fluctuations and dental problems.

Many vitamins

No caffeine, but 11 essential vitamins provide you with enough power, support your normal energy metabolism, your immune system and help you deal with stress.

Fast hydrogenation

Adequate hydration plays an important role in a healthy body and mind. With our refreshing, delicious hydration drinks you'll never drink too little again!

Die Vorteile unserer Produkte:

Kein Zucker

Kein Taurin

Keine Chemie

Kaum Kalorien

Easy and quick to prepare

It works that simply

Determine the intensity of the flavor yourself by adding more or less powder.

1. Mix it

Mix 500 ml water with 8 g powder.

2. Cool it

Add a few ice cubes.

3. Shake it

Shake for a few seconds.

4. Enjoy it

Enjoy the hot taste.

Question about our hydration?

Find your answers in our FAQs or simply send us a message via WhatsApp.

Sarah, Elvis & Furk will answer your questions within a few hours via WhatsApp.
Chat now

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Maximilian J. (Salzgitter, Germany)
Hammergeiler Eistee

Vom Geschmack her erinnert der Hydration Drink an Krümeleistee. Das gibt Pluspunkte für die vertrautheit. Das große Problem ist wie schnell der Shaker immer leer wird. Wird also Zeit für einen 1 Liter Shaker :D
Schmeckt super und animiert zum trinken. Top!

Carina J. (Bonn, Germany)
Einfach super getroffen

Ich bin eine richtige Eistee liebhaberin und finde es mega lecker und super das es ihn auch als Hydration gibt. Leider sehr schnell Ausverkauft ToT

Malte H. (Arnsberg, Germany)
schmeckt super

Wer Pfirsich mag wird den Geschmack von Hydro Lieben schmeckt super